Jelly wrestling!

I have seen and heard that the news already has been spread on facebook, and she is nowadays known in the whole Byron Bay.

It all started a sunny monday, it was just a normal monday at the hostel. Johanna and Linnea had been out on thier morning run on the beach when they saw the add about the Jelly Wrestling being hosted that night. But there was nothing more to it, I mean how sign's up for those things?...

When they went down to the bar that evening they heard rumors about the 1 st prize at the Jelly Wrestling they had read about earlier. 200$ cash! Now this ladys and gentlemen is nothing that passes by without a backpacker has to think about it twice!
Coach Linnea finally decided to sign up her promising wrestling traniee. They had a long tactics talk and the caoch observed the tough opponents and learned there weaknesses.

The time had finally come, and after a good warmup Johanna was ready to enter the Jelly pool. But she turned back to the coach and said:

- I only entered this competition to win!

Johanna made it past round 1 and then 2, until she was in the final. Johanna was up against another swedish girl who was tough. She had won her first round on the shy 13 seconds!!!

It was a nerve-wracking final, until Johanna through her fist up with the opponents band and the horn sounded. SHE HAD WON!! THE 200$ WERE OURS.

Sweden, Germanie and USA


Postat av: Ami Ullman

grattis grattis!! Precis vad ni behövde. Kanske nya yrket att åka runt och brottas lite för betalning??

2012-04-11 @ 09:52:55
Postat av: Madde

grattis!! hahahah shit va kul!

2012-04-11 @ 13:20:24
Postat av: Sara Markstedt

Haha det här var den bästa historien som jag har läst!! Din/er blogg förgyller dagarna här på kontoret, fast man blir lite avis ibland ;) Kram

2012-04-11 @ 17:02:52
Postat av: eva k

hej hur gick det med Johannas eventuella ögoninflammation? Jelly Wrestlings not so good!

Hur går jobbsökningen??

2012-04-13 @ 17:30:09

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