Living the dream

The 19th of September we started our trip. The first stop was Port Douglas. We arrived in the middle of the night and woke up with the beach right side our window. We ran to the beach and jumped around with happiness!  Port Douglas is a beautiful small town with a lot of picturesque restaurants and shops. We stayed there for one day and spent the day o nthe lovley beach.

Our next stop was Daintree where we had a crocodile cruise in the morning - we saw 2 adults, 1 baby and a big snake up in the tree. It was cool to see the crocs in their real habitat. Then we continued our trip up to Cape Tribulation by a ferry across the river. Cape Tribulaton is one of most beautiful places we have seen. The sand on the beaches was so white and the water cristal clear, it was unspeakable beauty. We stayed in Cape Trib. for one night and we made a fire on the beach. We headed back to Carins in the evening and stopped by at our old resturant in Trinty  for some dinner. It felt so wierd to be a guest and not be working there. We came back to Cairns on the night and we changed to our party clothes and headed out to the clubs with the most awesome peeps ever!

The day after we headed to Josephine falls with some friends amongst one we met in Byron Bay when we where there in april, Reed. The nicest guy ever! We spent the whole day there sliding down the water falls and just enjoying the view. When we got back we made an early night since the Great Barrier Reef waited for us the following day.
The boat picked us up 7 am and it took us about 1 hour to reach the reef. Linnea was first in the water for her scuba dive and Johanna, Erik and David wasen't far behind with thier introcution dive. We saw some amazing things thier amongst turtles, nemo fish, sting rays, barracudas and another poisonous fish with we can't recall the name of. After the dive we snorkled and at some amazing food on the boat - shrimps, salmon and a whole lot of other delicous things! The day couldn't have been better and now we have checked the Great Barrier Reef of our list - [CHECK!] When we came back to shore we had pizza night with all our mates at koala and then it was time for "see u later hugs" like we always say, cause we have reckoned that u never met a person just once in your life! But it was still very hard to leave everybody and we r gonna miss them loads.
After the hugs and tears we headed the roads and made our way to mission beach, but we had a pretty excited experince along the way. Linnea and Johanna had the front seats cause we need to keep our men in the back (!) when we saw something strecthed across the road...:

- Johanna: Linnea did u just see that!?
- Linnea: Was that a snake..? 

David and Nico jumped out of thier seats and we turned the car back to get a better look. The snake was FREAKIN huge! We reckoned it was a python and seriously it was like 4 meters long. Talk about that we shit in our pants.
After 5 hours restless sleep having night mares of snakes crawling in our bed we got up 7 am today again to do our sky dive over mission beach and the reef. It was incredable we just can't describe it, but it is a must to try it one day! The rest of the day we spent on the beach with Andre, Cal and Sydney who also did thier sky dive a couple of hours after us. They had a bit more luck and spotted a hammerhead shark from the sky, sweet!

Today treats us with a trip to townswill and the full moon party tomorrow WOOP WOOP! We can't wait!

Sorry for bad updates resently but it is gonna be like this on our way down the coast since we're not gonna have any internet. But we will do our best! 

The fact of the day;

Weeeih we have succeeded, David have started to get style. But his wallet ain't likin' it!... But we do nananana

Peace out from mission beach! Lot's of OZ love from Johanna and Linnea. 
Enjoy the pics:

Port Douglas:

 Cape Trib:

Josephine Falls:

The computer is so slow to upload pic. it's coming more soon ! Sorry ! 

9 dagar kvar i Cairns !

Efter 4 underbara månader i Cairns återstår det endast 9 dagar innan vi ska resa härifrån. Vi både ser fram emot att börja resa kusten ner men vi har också en klump i magen av att behöva lämna vårt hem. Det känns sorligt att behöva säga hejdå till alla fina vänner och säga hejdå till en stad man har bott i, i 4 månader...

Så, hur ska vi resa? Idag bokade vi en större varriant av campervan som vi kommer att transporteras med ifrån den 20/9 till den 3/11. Under den tiden ska vi färdas från Cairns till Sydney.  Tyvärr fick inte Nico och David dusch och toalett i bilen som deras önskan var men de kommer att få tillgång till ett ordentligt kök... Haha det var så roligt när vi var och tittade på bilen..David undersökte inte hur bilen var, utan började kolla vad som ingick i köket och ej... Snacka om att någon har kock som yrke.. :)

Under de senaste dagarna har vi haft BBQ, spelat volleyboll och haft filkväll. Livet är på topp helt enkelt!

YEEEY, jag, Toreten och Linnea har den bästa lägenheten ever!

Världens bästa brudar <3

The lagoon

Imorse klockan 10 gick jag, Jannike och Torsten till David & Nicos hotell och hoppade i deras sängar så att de inte skulle missa dagens soltimmar (Igår sov de till kl 3...). Efter en snabb frukost gick vi ner till lagoonen och stekte sönder tillsammns med Andre. Ja, David och Nico är sönder brända - Davids huvud varar och Nico är röd som en tomat.. Hej hej svenne bananer! 

Jag och Torsten visade David fruktmarknanden idag. Jag har inte sett någon lyckligare människa än David, när han gick runt och tittade på all frukt o grönt. Han sa själv att han var i himmelriket. Vi kom tillbaka till lagoonen med en annanas, vindruvor, päron, apelsiner, melon och poppo. SÅÅÅ GOTT ! Endast 10 dollar.... (!)

Gårdagens jobb var en mardröm och då menar jag verkligen en mardröm... Det börjas med att jag råkar smilla över en hel ÖL på en kvinna och hela hennes långklänning blev alldeles blöt, kvällen fortsätter med att samma bord får en bedrövligt äcklig Rogan Josh. Jag kände mig så dålig ! Men det var sköt att få komma hem till David och att han sa till mig att det kommer hända alla servitriser någon gång...!

The fact of the day! 
- Det går inte att hitta en volleyboll i Cairns
(Jag och Nico gick runt hela Cairns och letade efter en volleyboll, men det går inte att hitta någon (!) Jag som trodde att vi var i volleyboll landet..)

- Linnea och Lauren har ett shoppingberoende (de åkte till DFO idag och kom hem med 100 påsar... ;) )

Fitzroy island - Happy b-day Cal !

Imorse ringde klockan redan halv 6 för att ta sig till Waterfront för att äta frukost som bestod av bacon sandwiches, sambuca och tequilla shots. Klockan 9 åkte vi ifrån Cairns med båt över till Fitzroy Island för att tillbringa dagen där med 20 underbara människor! Så, ja David & Nico fick inte en lugn start - de kom direkt in i backpacker livets vildaste dagar (haha)! Dagen var helt crazy och vi alla är riktigt solbrända nu. Cal's önskan var att alla skulle klä ut sig -så alla gick all in för det temat! Jag tror nog alla som såg oss på Fitzroy island idag aldrig kommer att glömma oss... 

Nu väntas några timmars sömn för att sedan gå ut och partaja hela natten lång. Dagen har bara startat peeps!

... och här tog tyvärr kameran...

Arrival cairns airport 14.10 pm

They are here now David and Nico!! Me and Johanna have been super excited all day and could barely sit still at the airport. Just hope that there jet lag won't last forever...

Just keep on smiling

Hello our sweetas readers! Sorry for the terrible update lately but the only thing we do right now is working our asses off. We finally found work for accommodation so our schedule for the moment looks like this

10.00 am - 1.30 pm; cleaning at the hostel

1.30 pm - 3.00 pm; free time

3.00 pm - 5.00 pm; get ready and catch the one hour bus to work

5.00 pm - 9~10.00 pm; work at the restaurant

9.52 - 10.30; bus back home

Exciting isn't it?....

Mom wrote a comment to the previous log asking what we did this amazing monday? The truth is it wasn't that amazing, we cleaned...
But dear friends even when life seems toughest at times there are things to look forward to because tomorrow at 2.10 pm Johannas brother David and his friend Nico arrives to Cairns :D wooopedidooo!!! And we will be traveling the coast down together so our boring life schedule for the moment is soon to chance to only surfing and road trips. I can't wait!!!

But the fun doesn't end there. This week our friend Cal is celebrating his birthday at Fritzroy Island with a big group of people at the hostel. The only thing is that we all are supposed too dress up as something and we need your help!! So come up with fun ideas! We will spending the whole day on the Island and on the evening we will make our way back to cairns to show David and Nico who to party Australien style ;)

What else is there to say. Oh yes yesterday evening we meet up our friends at rattle n' hum for a goodbye drink. One of the most amazing people I have ever met, Penelope, is leaving us to go to Brisbane. We are going to miss her soo much. But the night was awesome just sitting there with people I feel so close to chatting away about random things that we have experienced or been told. I suddenly realized that this is the younger version of my mom and dad and there friends, and I was nearly in tears because I just wanted to stay in that moment forever. It felt so safe!

The weeks quotes!

A night out on cairns streets a pretty drunk girl falls over and her skirt comes up. Our group just passes that moment and Linnea realizes that the girl isn't wearing any underwear!? So just to be nice and helpful she says


The drunk girl was quick to her feet and walked any... Embarrassed.

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