Road trip to Port Douglas and the rainforest!

Thank u guys for an awesome road trip! We must definitely do it again !

The driver - Valentin

Ohyeah Port Douglas - Anousch, Jonna, Linnea and Valentin


Go, go Girl

too difficult

Too easy for Valentin

We met God in Port Douglas

Sweet bananas !

Road Trip !

Wop Wop!

the rainforest

the rainforest - all of us

the river

Ho ho

Hello mates !

hello turkey

Hello Valentin

So sweet girls !

The Valentinooo


tired ?

linnea's first step

Valentin's self-portrait

Valentin's baby

The Kebab friends

Today was my (Linnea) forth day of work at OZ Kebabs, and I'm starting to get the feeling that I have nailed the job since they always ask me to come back wohooo. But not only was it my forth day it was also Johanna's first day at the Kebab. Yes u heared right, now both me and Johanna have got work here in Cairns puuuh! The only downer is that the shifts are only 3-4 hours a day, so if we want to earn money for our travels we will have to find something else aswell. Jose told us there was a banana farm looking for girls to help with the packing, definitely worth checking up! A nightshift at a bar or restaurant would also be an alternitive.

Tomorrow we both have a day of and we are thinking about doing an other roadtrip somewhere. We will see what the day brings us :)

Now it's time for the kebab king to hit the showers, p e a c e o u t !

Glad midsommar !

I torsdags fick Linnea ett gladjande samtal av OZ kebab, som lydde att de behovde en till person i deras restaurang. Hon har nu varit och provjobbat 2 dagar och imorgon ar det the final test om hon kommer fa det eller ej. Jag haller alla tummar jag har att hon kommer fa jobbet! Sjalv letar jag for fullt efter ett jobb men det ar segt och svart. Jag ar glad att Linnea formodligen har fatt ett jobb for det far mig att bli taggad och ga ut och leta samt att vi nu vet att det finns jobb. Det galler bara att lagga ner energi! Allt loser sig tillslut. Det ar nagot som ar sant, det vet jag och Linnea - det har vi verkligen lart oss av denna resa. Hur illa ute vi an har varit, sa har det pa nagot konstigt satt alltid lost sig - aven att vi har sovit pa flygplatser eller ett framande hus.

I forrgar var det Midsommarafton och det firade vi ihop med ungefar 20 andra svenskar, tyskar, engelsman, fransman, italienare och norrman. Dagen blev lyckad och det ar helt klart den basta midsommaren! Vi hade femkamp, dansade runt midsommarstang (dock sa var det en palm), drack kopparbergscider istallet for goon och skrattade hela natten lang! Folket som inte var ifran Sverige kommer nog aldrig glomma denna dag - hur knappa ar inte vi svenskar: dansar runt en midsommarstang, hoppar smagrodorna, leker bjornen sover, har blommor i haret och sjunger en massvis med snapslatar? Sverige ar helt enkelt bast! Tack alla som gjorde denna dag oforglomlig !

Njut av bilderna och hoppas att ni hade en underbar midsommar med mycket skratt och stoj!

Johanna, Anousch and Valentin

Look he is swedish now !



Australiensk midsommarkrans

Kebabkungen !

The froggy game

The froggy game



Imorse ringde klockan redan 7 for att vi var tvugna att checka ut ifran Gilligans. Det var den jobbigaste flytten pa lange och egentligen handlade det bara om 500 meter... Vi har en sadan fruktansvard traningsvark efter aktiviteterna fran igar, sa att ta ett steg var en stor plaga. Vi har inte hunnit tillbringa sa mycket tid pa vart nya hostel an, men det vi har hunnit sett verkar det vara helt okej, ett stort plus ar att vi har ett eget rum med Anousch och Jonna. 

Idag har vi vart ute och letat efter jobb, vi lamnade cirka 15 cvn pa olika cafer, restauranger och dylikt. Det ar svart att hitta ett jobb- det for mycket backpacker och for lite jobb. Vi har bestamt oss for att ge centrala Cairns en veckas mer chans, om vi inte hittar nagot far vi aka norrover eller till en farm.

Vi har precis varit och sagt hejda till Mathias, han fick en hejdapresent (se bilderna) av oss som vi hoppas att han kommer att anvanda flitigt. 

Det ar manga som aker hem just nu och det far en att langta hem: hem till familjen, kompisarna och den svenska sommaren. Idag har det varit en riktig hemmalangtar dag.. Men det ar som vi alltid sager till varandra, om vi inte skulle ha sadana dagar, sa skulle nagot vara konstigt !

Nu ska vi mota upp Valentin och lara honom nagra svenska snapssanger... :)



Slap the goon


Danske polse

Mathias present

oooh MAN it's zumba time

Blondshophf, Chefen, Elvispen & Waldo

Today is Mathias (Blondshophf) last day in Cairns, tomorrow he is flying back to Denmark. The day had a tight schedule, we woke up at 7.30 am and headed to Blondshophf and Waldos' place to do a hiking trip, which was really exhausting. It was a 8.6 kilometers trail, by the time we where finished Linnea's legs where shaking...
It took us 5 hours to complete the trail through the rainforest. When we came home we had a 20 minutes power nap before it was time for volleyball. All the volleyball fields where sadley occupied so played Rugby instead. The sport was really funny, but it was hard to remember that u only can pass the ball backwards.

The plans for tonight is to head over to Mathias (Blondshophf) and Valentin's (Waldo) place for dinner. They are making us a main course and we are going to bring a dessert. We think we are going to make havrebollar..

We are feeling sad that Mathias is going to leave us tomorrow, we have so much fun with him and he is a reallt good guy. But we are definitely keeping intouch with him so we one day we can show him how real skiiers do it in the slope.

Have a nice day peeps, we miss u! Enjoy the pictures!

Can u see the croc?

Blondshpohf, Waldo and Chefen

The team !

The guest book at the top of the mountain


Tired girls





Give me a S- W - E- D- E- N

chillin at the beach - Mathias

Go Sweden !


The team

Love u guys !

Mr England, do u support sweden or england?

The frog jump

Italy and Sweden


Strong girls

The waterfall

Congratulations England

Vi var taggade till tusen, vi hade taggat infor Sverige-England matchen dagar och timmar innan. Vi malade oss gula och blaa - vi var kaxiga - vi stod upp for vart land och vi hade det basta sallskapet. Men ack ack sa kunde vi inte sla de forbannade engelsmannen. Jag kan inte referera matchen och kvallen battre an vad Anousch  gjorde "Neee vad är detta för skit? Kl e 07.30 am, Här e man uppe hela natten, o hejar som fasen, trycker ner engelsmännen hela kvällen, kaxar runt och får detta tillbaka?! inte så värst uppmuntrande asså..." Matchen var i alla fall hur bra som helst och jag har nu insett att fotboll ar ritkitg roligt att se pa. Men pappa jag lovar det kommer aldrig att sla ishockey! Kvallen eller rattarsagt morgonen for oss slutade att vi blev pahoppade av de engelskakillarna och de anda vi far hora av dem nu ar "EEEEEEEENGLAND" Puhh.... Men nu ar det bara att bita ihop och tagga for OS for dar ska vi allt ta hem medaljer !

Idag har vi legat vid POOLEN, spelat volleyboll  och vart pa markand. Vi alskar att ga runt pa marknaden - det finns sa mycket  gott for en billig peng. MEN det basta med marknaden ar att det finns jordgubbar - midsommaren ar raddad!! Pa tal om midsommar, sa har vi borjat planera den. Vi kommer att vara ett stort gang med olika nationer som kommer att fira ihop. Vi kommer sjalvklart att gora en midsommarstang och kransar. Nagra av killarna ska gora egen snaps - detta kan inte sluta battre!

Ikvall blir det att tagga infor Danmark - Tyskland matchen. Vi har bestamt oss for att supportra Danmark sa att varan van Mathias blir glad...
Imorgon ska vi fortsatta att leta efter jobb, puhh 0 % inspiration och energi..(!)

(Tyvarr fungerar det inte att ladda upp bilder pa denna dator men vi laddar upp imorgon bitti)

C H E E R S !

Ps. Ett stort grattis pappa och Stefan att ni kampade igenom Vatternrundan i sporegn - jag ar otroligt imponerad! Och ett stort grattis Fredric till studenten. Ds.

Nutella Maaaan!

Our motto for this trip is that u always meet people twice, and it's true! I don't know how many reunions we have had up here in Cairns with friends we made from day 1 here in Australia. Our latest "bump in" was with Nutella man who we met in Manly and later on in Byron Bay. 

Today we started our job searching and went around a little in town. But we figured out pretty fast that we probally have a better chance in finding a job outside the center of town, since everybody in looking there. A lady told us to head for the northern beachen which is the goal for tomorrow. Otherwise i guess we just have to give it time and if we can't find anything here we will have to go for another farmwork. But NOT tomatos this time!!!

This evening we where at zumba training by the beach. It was so funny but so difficult.. We hope we will get better soon!

Tonight is a BIG night since Sweden is playing England, and we gotta win this one! Ofcourse we are gonna be up supporting our team to victory! GO GO GO!!!

Denmark, Sweden and Germany


Just got back from a Bootcamp sesh, and man we are finished! Count on some really bad "traning pain" tomorrow. Everyday they have a traning activity out on the green next to the sea, it can be all from Boot camp to Zumba or Pilates. So now we are definitly keeping this up since it's free - we liiike :) Dads' watch out we are getting fit!
The day we have spent printing out CV's and laying by the pool working on the tan. Now we are getting ready for a night out with Jonna and Anousch, we are gonna dance our feets of without a single drop of alcohol! We are having a detox until Midsummer's eve.

Tomorrow we are starting our hunt for a job, one step at a time :) Hopefully we will find something... anything!

Now we are hitting the showers, we will upload some pictures of Cairns tomorrow.

Have fun! xxx

Hello Cairns !

Efter en natt pa flygplatsen i Brisbane och 4 timmars flygresa har vi antligen kommit fram till paradiset - Cairns.
Vi bade ar riktigt trotta och vara kroppar skriker efter somn och en dusch. Tyvarr maste vi sitta och vanta i 2h innan vi kan checka in pa vart hostel, men snart snart sa ar det dags! Kanslan vi har fatt av staden ar att den ar otrolig mysig och det finns hundramiljarder surfaffarer. Har kommer vi trvias som fisken i havet!

Nastintill vart hostel finns det en stor markand med klader, smycken, gronsaker och frukt. Det ar riktigt billigt, sa ni kan ju tanka er vad vi kommer leva pa! 5 avokado for endast 2 dollar ( ungefar 15 kr). MUMS!

Nej, nu ar det dags att checka in staden med den lilla energin vi har kvar!

Manga kramar ifran oss!

Time flys

The last three days the schedule have been packed with exciting things!

Tuesday night; we played our first floorball sesh with the brisbane team. It felt sooo good to be back in the rink and we had a really good time! We can drag about that we actually played with one of Australias National Team players - Timbi Poon. Anyway the next morning both me and Johanna I think had a good dose of "training pain".

Wednesday; We draged ourselves out of bed at around 6.30 a.m. to walk down to the transit center where the bus waited to take us to Steve Irwins - Australien Zoo. At the bus station we bumped into our Canadian friend Adrienne that we got to know i Surfers Paradise. It so happened to be that she also was heading for the Zoo that day!
The three of us jumped on the bus and slept away the 2 hour bus ride.
The day we spent walking around looking at all the animals and various shows. I totally fell inlove with the mini pigs at the Kids Zoo and Johanna had to draaaag me away from there. They were sooo cute and u could'nt stop smiling!
During the last hours at the Zoo we were exhausted after all the walking back and forth, so tiered that Johanna fell asleep during the tiger show... I mean, come on!

At the end of the day we both had a new hero, Steve Irwin. He has dedicated his who life for helping wildlife and is the Greatest Wildlife Warrior! Atleast we think so... after our dad's ofcourse :)

Thursday; The day at the Zoo had taken all our powers. We fell asleep at 10 p.m. that night and woke up the next morning at 1 p.m... We threw on some cloth and got down to the bus stop to make our way to IKEA!! We had a meal of swedish "köttbullar m. potatismos" and oooh we were in heaven. We spent 4 hours walking around, taking in the taste and smell of Sweden. We even purchased some food for midsummer, skargards sill (!) and kaviar.

Friday; The time is 12.40 p.m. here know and the plans for today is to take a walk in the Royal Botanic Garden. Then at 7 o'clock Paulina is arriving to Brisbane to spend her last night in Australia with us and we are gonna make it unforgettable!

Have a nice day, cause we sure are!



Chillaxin' with the Irwin family!

a little croc

Cuddeling with the kangaroo's

Bimbo wanted breakfast!

Thumbs up for u girl!


Two happy girls

Hello there...

Heeeey mate!


A little bady Koala... sooooo cute!

Croc show!

Red Panda

The most venimous snake in the world!

My love nuff nuff

Irwin Family

Steve Irwin, here we come !

Efter tva dagar i Brissy ar vi inte allt for imponerade av staden - det ar kallt och gratt! Vi har redan bestamt oss for att lamna Brissy pa sondagmorgon for att aka upp till varmen - Cairns. Dar ar planen att leta efter ett jobb och stanna dar tills september, oktober och da ta sig ner for kusten till Sydney och dar flyga over till Nya Zeeland.

Schemat for veckan ar att ikvall spela innebandy (nervosa damer), imorgon aka till Australian Zoo (Steve Irwins Zoo) och pa fredag traffa Linneas fd. Nanny fran Ungern som nu bor i Brissy.

Idag vill vi grattulera alla studenter i Nynashamn. Tiden gar sa otroligt fort - jag kan inte forsta att det var ett helt ar sedan vi sprang ut. Jag minns sa val nar man stod pa startlinjen, glad over att man hade klarat alla sina studier men ocksa radd for att springa ut i verkligheten. Jag hade ingen aning om vad jag skulle gora de narmaste veckorna, manaderna eller aren. Men se, jag hamnade i Australien och jag kan inte saga nagot annat an att jag lever i en drom! Sa gott folk, var inte radd for framtiden om du ar det. Allt loser sig !

Har kommer lite bilder fran de forsta dagarna i Brisbane:

Igar hade vi picnic i South Bank


C H E E R S !

The last pictures from Surfer's

I got a hangover woah woah

crazy staffs

Happy girls waiting for.....

And two more happy girls waiting for....

pancakes AND Nachos

Time to change the oil in the bus

... But where ?

Can It be here ?

Wei, we found it ! GIRL POWER !

A normal start of the night...

everything happens in the staff room

Broadbeach with the staffs

The guys

Where is Olly?

The girls


Paul what are u doing ?

The sofa we will never forget

Surfers Paradise Backpackers resort

The best hostel ever <3

The best staffs ever

Baby <3

The Pearl <3

My best friend <3

Johanna's tattoo - Gunilla, Morgan, David, Gunnar, Monica, Mauritz, Birgit

Where ever I am going you will always be with me

Linnea's tattoo - be your own kind of beautiful . Pictures is coming soon!

The first night in Brissy:

Started with justin bieber fever

Ending with a cinema


The Last Resort

After 8 weeks in Surfers Paradise, we have now arrived in a new town, checked in at a new hostel and met new people. It was sad to leave Surfers, harder than we could ever imagine. Especially when we left Paulina at the bus station in Brisbane. A lot of tears ran down our cheeks today! It's feels weired starting our journey again, but it was time to move on and discover the rest of Australia. We will never forget the new friends we have met and the lovely meomeries we share. We hope we're gonna met them in the future. On the bus to Brisbane we got a very nice text from the owners who wished us a further happy travel and pronounced how pleased they were with the good work we have done at the hostel.

So, the first night in Brisbane we are spending at the cinema watching The five year engagement. Our plans for the future is to stay in Brisbane to Saturday and just relax and enjoy our free time. And OFC play floorball. Probably we are heading up to Cairns next, because we are tired of the weather (Winter time) Gold Coast and Sunshine coast are giving us. we thought that we were in FUCKING AUSTRALIA!!!!

Madde reminded us that we have been bad updating the "quote of the day" theme we had going on here on the blog. So here comes the best ones during the last period of time.

Quotes of the day:

Olly: "if we die we die in Paradise"

Alex: "
If a guy don't play fifa he is definitely gay!"

On the way to Brisbane, Paulina was typing a text and wondered what she could write. Johanna answered "U can always write IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKEA !!" (We just passed IKEA)

(In the cab on our way home from a crazy night out)
"What is the proper word for Pussy lips in english?"
The Pussy taxi driver: "I looove pussy, the pussy goes mjaaaaauuu nuff nuff"

Johanna: "Lucy I have trainingpain"

(A normal day with Charlie AFTER 15 MINUTES OF WORK)


Sorry, there is no USB access on the computer, but we are going to find one that has tomorrow. And tomorrow we have a surprice for u! What can it be??? Madde, mums, dads, Fredric, The last resort don't say anything!

We want to finish the post by thanking everyone that made our time in surfers the best! You are awesome guys!

Hugs from Linnea and Johanna

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