You are My hero !
I can't imagine that I'm in Australia
Idag har vi legat vid lagunen och jobbat pa brannan, vi har varit har i 6 manader och jag kanner mig lika vit som nar jag lamnade Sverige. Buuhuu! Jag far helt enkelt borja stalla klockan pa mornanrna sa att jag kommer ut till de basta soltimmarna.
Planerna for resten av dagen ar att jag ska trana, jobba och ha ett hejda party for Siggie som lamnar oss imorgon for Alice Springs. Jag har fatt ett helgjobb pa en indiskresturang langs hamnen i Cairns. Jag trvis bra och det riktigt roligt att jobba som servitrivs. Temet bestar av jag, 2 indiska tjejer, 1 indisk kille och sedan en grupp indiska kockar. Den indiska och den svenska livsstilen ar helt annorlunda varandra, de indiska tjejerna fick en chock nar jag berattade att jag ar 20 ar och inte har en man utan ar pa andra sidan jorden och gor med min livsresa med min bastakompis, for att klura ut vad jag vill gora i livet. Dessa tjejer blev bortgifta nar det var 18 ar och flyttade till Australien nar de var 20 ar med deras man. Det ar intressant att fa hora deras livshistorier for det ar sa annorlunda an mitt. Jag onskar att jag kunde fa visa dem mitt liv. Kanske att jag ska foresla att vi ska gora nagot ihop nagon dag, men vad kan det vara...? Kanske bio, ga ut och dansa eller ga pa ett zumba pass eller bjuda pa en svensk middag? Nu har jag en karamell att suga pa.. !
Jag avslutar inlagget med tva roliga citat:
Valentin: OMG Johanna, your feet smell worse than my old grandfather's
Linnea: Ja, men det var ju som nar flygplanen akte in i Seven Eleven
Andre, Johanna och Anousch: Haha va, Seven Eleven ?
Linnea: Ja, men ni vet den 11 september ?
I got a hangover, wo-oh! I've been drinking too much for sure
Linnea med hennes nya snyggabikini
Hello there !
Where is Linnea ?
France and Italy
Enjoy your day, u never know what is happen tomorrow
A night at the hospital
When we got home earliy this morning Will stopped by with a get well present. A box of choclates that I will give to the girls for staying by my side the whole night. But very sweet of him! Now I'm just waiting for the rest of my friends to stop by with fruit baskets ;) hehe
Anyway, no more skateboarding for me. I will stick to our surfboards where u at least end up in the water if u fall!
Take care loved ones! xx
We will always be adventurers'
While you’re young, you should travel. You should take the time to see the world and taste the fullness of life. Spend an afternoon sitting in front of the Michelangelo. Walk the streets of Paris. Climb Kilimanjaro. Hike the Appalachian trail. See the Great Wall of China. Get your heart broken by the “killing fields” of Cambodia. Swim through the Great Barrier Reef. These are the moments that define the rest of your life; they’re the experiences that stick with you forever.
Traveling will change you like little else can. It will put you in places that will force you to care for issues that are bigger than you. You will begin to understand that the world is both very large and very small. You will have a newfound respect for pain and suffering, having seen that two-thirds of humanity struggle to simply get a meal each day.
While you’re still young, get cultured. Get to know the world and the magnificent people that fill it. The world is a stunning place, full of outstanding works of art. See it.
You won’t always be young. And life won’t always be just about you. So travel, young person. Experience the world for all it’s worth. Become a person of culture, adventure, and compassion. While you still can.
Do not squander this time. You will never have it again. You have a crucial opportunity to invest in the next season of your life now. Whatever you sow, you will eventually reap. The habits you form in this season will stick with you for the rest of your life. So choose those habits wisely.
And if you’re not as young as you’d like (few of us are), travel anyway. It may not be easy or practical, but it’s worth it. Traveling allows you to feel more connected to your fellow human beings in a deep and lasting way, like little else can. In other words, it makes you more human. Jeff Goins
We found this article and it really talked to us. For more than two years ago we started talking about doing a trip to Australia, and here we are now and have been backpacking for 6 months. It was not an easy choice to make, we were unsure what decision to take. Eighter to travell or start to study. At home u where stressed becuase u were feeling pushed to get a career and it didn't feel like u got the time to figure out what u wanted to do with your life.
After 6 months in Australia we have learnt a lot from our misstakes and but also more importantly our success. It's a big difference in lifestyles from a life at home - to be backpacking on the other side of the world. During your whole life your parents have been giving u guidens through the years, they have taught u what's wrong and right. Now we are living a life on our own and we have to figure out by ourselves what decisions to choose.
At home your parents cook you dinner, do your laundry and drive you to your activities. Here no one can help u. Sometimes it feels as if we are still waiting for our parents to come and help us out. It can take up to one week walking around in dirty cloth for us to realize that our parents aren't gonna come.
This trip will help us grow up as independent individuals and it's the journey of our life. We met so much people and friends that we learn a lot from. As a backpacker you teach and learn from each other experiences. You make new contacts just by walking up the street, while at home it usally takes a long time to bound a relationship.
A lot of young people dream of travling but never take the step beacuse they are afraid to leave their friends, family and life back home. Don't hesitate everything will remain!
So Linnea... who does the laundry today?
From Johanna and Linnea
/ From two upset Girls
Radio Svenne, roadtrip &
Now we are back on squre one and don't know where to go from here, but we always work something out! Still waiting for Malin to send us those trisslotter! ;)
Keep your head high cause u will not always get everthing u wish for.... but u will get what u work for.
The day before our roadtrip me and Johanna were invited as guests to Radio Svenne by the host Kenny who also works at an travell agency. It was loads of fun and I think we laughed through the whole show. We have the program saved on a usb stick and we will try to find a way to upload it here on the blog. So we are here by new "b celebrities" in Cairns haha!
Take care and u will hear from us soon! xx
Johanna & Anousch at Gilligans
Road trip
Wohoo - Johanna & Andre
Let's go !
The team
He was ecstatic of the war museum
We met a kangaroo at the golf course
And two more...
An aussie style
Let's dance !
A delicates
Dinner time
Hello there !
The team
A water fall
Look ! Two swedish asses
Where is the snakes?
Cozy Cozy
BBQ time
Bungy jump! Next time is our turn !
Kandisar i radio Svenne !
Temat for kvallen ar allt mellan himmel och jord. Linnea sade precis "Herre gud Johanna, jag ar nervos. Tank om jag gor bort mig.. Tank om jag fiser?" Och ja.. Jag ar nog ratt nervos jag med. Vi har redan fatt tips av Eva och Thomaz som lyder att vi inte far fnittra, utan istallet lata overtygande och glada. Vem vet detta kanske leder till en karriar som radiopratare.. ?
Sa.. Vad lyder planen for framtiden? Ikvall ar det ett stort hejda party for Jonna och Allan som kommer innom nagra dagar lamna Australien for att aka hem till Sverige och Frankrike. Det kanns trakigt att de ska aka hem, men avundsjuka pa ett satt att de far komma hem till den europeiska sommaren. Imorgon kommer vi, Anousch och Andre satta oss i en camper van och fardas norrover for att leta efter farmjobb samt centrala jobb (som cafer och restauranger). Vi kommer att totalt vara borta i 5 dagar. Sa gott folk, hall tummarna for oss ! Om vi inte hittar ett jobb, sa kommer vi fa ett roligt aventyr som mamma sade, istallet for att vakna varje morgon med en klump i magen !
Nu maste vi tyvarr avsluta, da vi redan ar en halvtimme sen till BBQ.
You always meet people twice
For tillfallet har vi bade panik eller ja alla backpacker i Cairns har panik for att ingen hittar nagot jobb. OCH tyvarr blev det inget kebabjobb for oss. Sa, hur lyder planen nu? Vi har lite olika planer...
Plan A: Leta farmjobb (ringa runt)
Plan B: Kopa bil och aka runt till olika farmer
Plan C: Forflytta oss till en annan stad. Exempelvis Darwin eller Perth. Tva stader vi har hort att det ska vara lattare att fa jobb.
Plan D: Kopa en trisslott...
Efter detta inlagg ar klart, far vi satta oss ner vid Esplanaden och satta upp en plus- och minuslista.
Det ar som vi alltid sager allt loser sig tillslut. Det galler att lagga ner energi & tid! So, Linnea: Let's get ready to rumble!
The Canadian day:
Johanna, Anousch och Fredrik
Linnea, Frida, Jonas, Anousch och Jonathan
Dance with somebody, Dance DAAANCE
oooh Watch out girls !
Fri som en fagel, friiii som en fagel
"Alltsa vagen var sa har stoooor"